North East Lincolnshire Community Safety Partnership Crime Reduction Fund 2018/19 is now open for round 1
The North East Lincolnshire Community Safety Partnership Crime Reduction Fund 2018/19 is now open for round 1.
The Closing Date is Thursday 14th June 2018
Further information about the fund is on the VANEL website at
This grant scheme accepts applications from voluntary and community and not for profit organisations in North East Lincolnshire that can clearly demonstrate how their project contributes to the delivery of the PCCH Police and Crime Plan and the North East Lincolnshire (NEL) Community Safety Partnership (CSP) Plan.
Successful Applicants in the previous round received funding to support things such as:
community shredders to combat identity theft related fraud;
projects to make the night time economy safer;
establishment of a youth activity club;
supporting a wilderness therapy-based project using outdoor activities to reduce re-offending and destructive behaviour;
seaside shelter to build community cohesion, promoting community safety messages and activities to reduce repeat crime;
street outreach programme to provide direct access support to homeless people and address street culture activities;
and establish a grass-roots led youth club .
What will be funded?
Whilst all applications will be considered, the funding panel are particularly keen to fund projects that can clearly show a community benefit that address one or more of the following:
Deliver increasingly self-sustaining and safe communities
Build public confidence in the agencies involved in creating safer communities
Promote services to victims and the vulnerable that meet their needs
Capital spend will be funded but where this is requested the funding panel would prefer to see a benefit to community crime reduction and safety rather than an investment or improvement just for the benefit of an organisation’s members.
Applicants that can show longer term impact rather than short term benefit are also more likely to be successful.
How much can be applied for?
Short Term Projects: Applicants wishing to deliver a project of up I year in length may apply for up to £10,000.
Longer Term Projects: Applicants wishing to deliver a project of 2 years or longer may apply for a total grant of between £10,000 and £50,000.
How to apply?
Please apply by application form to Richard Wendel-Jones
by email at
or post to: Voluntary Action North East Lincolnshire, The Willows, 23 Bargate, Grimsby, DN34 4SS
Download the applicant information pack