The majority of this website is about the work we are currently doing. But we’ve been doing this work for a long time now and there is a wealth of information in the background about projects and activities long gone. So if you’re looking for something from the past, hopefully you’ll find it in these archives.
Our newsletters page contains all the electronic newsletters we’re produced since 2007.
Annual Reports:
Earlier Annual Reports were printed or generated as .pdf documents. More recently our Annual Reports have taken the form of websites (or videos). The most current are still in the main website. But older Annual Reports are still available.
For 2008-9, for 2009-10, 2010-11, 2011-12, 2012-13, 2013-14, 2014-15
Completed Projects and Programmes:
As projects come to an end we slowly archive their websites or other information, but you can still find out about a lot of our older projects here.
Homework Club (supported by Children in Need)
This project ran for the 2012-13 academic year and concluded in August 2013.
Further information about the project can be found in the archived project page here.
Health & Wellbeing Board Health Consultation Oct-Dec 2012
completed Dec 2012 but feedback and presentations continued through early 2013
full information page here
Fundraising Plus – completed during 2012
Rural Plus – completed during 2012
Digital TV Switchover Project – completed 2011.
Social Norms survey on smoking habits in West Marsh – completed early 2012
Community Learning Champions – completed 2011
Third Sector Hub – Yorkshire Forward funded project completed 2010 and now superseded by the Development Hub work
This archive page is still a work in progress, and you can always do a search or use the A-Z index to find further informatio.