The Volunteer Centre North East Lincolnshire
Who are we?
We are an organisation set up to support and help volunteers and organisations which use volunteer input to achieve their aims.
What do we do?
Primarily we are here to introduce interested members of the community to organisations who need volunteers, and in doing so find the volunteer an opportunity that is right for them.
We are also here to help all third sector, public and private sector bodies who use volunteering to make a difference to their local communities by being a focus for volunteer recruitment.
We also offer advice around practice, policies and procedures, and we are willing to act as intermediaries where problems arise between volunteers and organisations.
How do we do this?
We offer an appointment service to potential volunteers to link them to local volunteering opportunities with organisations registered with us. We run an IT based system to enable us to update opportunities and volunteer’s interests. This IT system has direct links to the do-it website so that people can apply for opportunities from anywhere with web access.
Once an organisation has registered here at the centre we are able to offer assistance on recruitment and retention, and also keep people in touch with training and development opportunities with specific relevance to volunteering.
We also undertake where appropriate partnership work with other agencies who are involved with volunteering in order to maximise the opportunities for volunteers and associated organisations.
What else are we trying to do?
We are interested in identifying the gaps which people interested in volunteering might want to fill. From this perspective we can then support new volunteer led groups to undertake work in their community and help them develop their own volunteer organisation. This is an area which is in development and we welcome input from interested parties.
Where are we?
We are based at The Willows, 23 Bargate, Grimsby, DN34 4SS
If you would like more information, please contact the team here at The Volunteer Centre.
Telephone: 01472 231123