Volunteer Managers Network
The Volunteer Service facilitates quarterly Volunteer Managers Network events which are open to anyone (paid or unpaid) responsible for recruiting and supporting volunteers in North and North East Lincolnshire.
The aim of the meetings is to support volunteer managers so they can provide the best possible volunteering experience to everyone. The group provides peer support, discussion related to volunteer management issues, speakers and provision of good practice information and an opportunity for all to share news, discuss problems and contribute towards local, regional and national developments in volunteering.
Useful information for Volunteer Managers
- V:Expo – annual Greater Lincolnshire Volunteering Conference http://www.involvinglincs.org.uk/speaker-notes-from-vexpo-15/
- The governments drive towards increased employer support volunteering https://www.ncvo.org.uk/about-us/media-centre/press-releases/856-conservative-party-manifesto-ncvo-comment
- Volunteering related blogs http://www.navca.org.uk/blog/view/volunteers-are-people-too
- Trustee recruitment http://trusteesweek.blogspot.co.uk/ http://blogs.ncvo.org.uk/2
- New ways to volunteer http://blogs.ncvo.org.uk/2015/09/28/micro-volunteering-might-be-small-but-its-got-big-potential/ http://helpfromhome.org/015/11/03/widening-the-generational-gene-pool-of-trustees/
- Developments across Greater Lincolnshire http://www.involvinglincs.org.uk
Contact the Volunteer Service to book your place at the next event by telephone 01472 231123, or email volunteer@vanel.org.uk
We will include you on the email circulation list to keep you informed of meeting dates, other useful volunteering related information and copies of minutes of meetings.
If you wish to removed from this list at any time, just let us know by emailing volunteer@vanel.org.uk