How can we help with your Technology?
In the New Year I shall be arranging a week of talks, workshops, training and discussions around Technology and IT for non-profits. And as I put plans together, I’d like to know what you would like help with.
Rather than run a half-day or full-day “conference” style event, I’m planning a week of activities in the form of a “un-conference”. So there will be a range of sessions over the course of the week and people can come along to whichever sessions they might be interested in.
So put 19th-23rd January in your diaries.
So what would you, your organisation, your staff, your volunteers or your Trustees want to learn about? Below are some of the sessions that I’m already scheduling in. But there are sure to be other technological topics that you’d like to learn about…
“Introduction to Mailchimp” – for those wanting to learn about this free & powerful e-newsletter tool (as used to distribute the VANEL newsletters)
“Maximising Mailchimp” – for those already using Mailchimp but wanting help, troubleshooting or to make more of the power of this tool
“Better Backups” – how safe is your data on your computers? How do you backup? Learn more before you lose important data
“WordPress for Beginners” – heard of WordPress for building websites but want to know more about it? This is the basics to get you started
“Email setup” – email, gmail, pop3, imap, forwarders, webmail, outlook, thunderbird and more… Understand more about setting your email systems up properly
“Meet Chrome” – if you’ve not come across Chromebooks as an alternative to Windows machines then this will introduce you. Cheap, fast, easy but different. Come and learn more.
“Access your Data” – do you need to understand a bit more about Microsoft Access as a database for storing your info better?
“Technology for Trustees” – if you are a board/committee member, how do you strategically guide the funding, development, implementation and support of technology for the benefit of your organisation? Learn more
“TT-exchange software” – a quick masterclass on how registered charities can get near free software through this donated software scheme – save £100s or £1000s
“Cooking up a website” – our 2 hour training course to go through all the fundamentals of how websites work or are built so you know how to get started
“Technological Terminology Tackled” – do you need to get your head around technical words and concepts so need someone to ask? What is BYOD? The dark web? A router? Mi-fi? This is a session to simply answer those questions you’ve been dying to ask someone about
If you’d like to put your name down for any of these sessions well in advance, then drop me an email to If you’d like a session creating just for you and your issue/topic, then let me know that too.
The details and timetable will all appear in the New Year, but now is the time to start asking your questions.
There’s a hundred other technical topics I could cover, but I’d like to know what people want first.
Drop me an email and watch this space.