There have traditionally in North East Lincolnshire been 7 Codes of the Compact. Each of these are available below.
These Codes have not been updated for a very long time – but the principles within them are valid, current, relevant and should be adhered to by any organisation using the Compact.
In 2010 a much simplified – refreshed single Compact code was issued, discussed and reviewed. VANEL is seeking to reissue this as a formal, simplified Compact document in early 2013.
For now you can download this simple Compact document here too (in its draft form).
A Code of Conduct for Meetings was also produced in 2010. This is a final version and can be used by organisations holding meetings.
Any questions about the Compact please contact Karl Elliott at VANEL
The latest North East Lincolnshire Compact documents…
The original 6 North East Lincolnshire Compact Codes…