Safer Streets East Marsh Community Wallet fund is now open for applications
Safer Streets East Marsh is a Humberside Police and Crime Commissioner funded programme running until the end of August 2023 and aiming to tackle crime on a specific area of the East Marsh of Grimsby.
You can read about the start of Safer Streets 4 on the Humberside Police and Crime Commissioner website here.
One part of this programme is the Community Wallet Fund. This is being managed by Voluntary Action North East Lincolnshire (VANEL) on behalf of the North East Lincolnshire Community Safety Partnership.
Applications to this fund (round 1) are now being accepted. This round closes on Monday 28th November 2022.
All the information about the fund; how to apply; what you can apply for and what your project needs to focus on, can be found on the webpage here:
Get applying!