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Safer Streets East Marsh

Safer Streets East Marsh is a Home Office / Humberside Police and Crime Commissioner funded programme running during 2022-23 and led by North East Lincolnshire Council.

VANEL is involved with the programme in a couple of roles.

As an operational project partner we are responsible for the East Marsh Wallet Community pot and for an environmental improvements funding pot.

VANEL has also been commissioned as Community Champion on a number of smaller initiatives.

VANEL Projects…

Personal and Household Security Cache

For information about the East Marsh Community Cache (personal and household safety equipment) go here:

Quick Links:

Latest catalogue here.
Order online here:

Please bear with us as we are currently experiencing some delays in restocking.

Neighbourhood Networking Drop-ins

VANEL and East Marsh Involve (EMI) are holding regular drop-ins in East Marsh to enable local residents to be able to meet the teams and discuss currently support and projects.

Drop-in: Every WEDNESDAY, 10am-12noon at Grimsby Neighbourhood Centre

other dates and venues coming soon.

Stay Safe Guides

Coming soon.

The East Marsh Community Wallet

Both funding rounds are now closed.

For information about the East Marsh Wallet go here:

More about Safer Streets

Read the announcement about the Safer Streets programme on the NELC website here:

Keep an eye on the NELC website for regular updates on the Safer Streets programme. (For example this recent update about the Wallet here )

Contact Us

For more information about VANEL’s involvement in Safer Streets East Marsh contact Paula Grant, Karl Elliott or Richard Wendel-Jones at VANEL.

Start with Karl Elliott,