Have you picked up your Membership certificate yet?
We’re still working around all our Members and Friends to get our Membership Certificates out. Everyone will have already received their certificate by email, but we have printed and framed copies for everyone available from the VANEL offices ready to hang on your wall!
Here’s Tony Edwards, Chair of Humber Nature Partnership receiving their VANEL Membership Certificate from Karl Elliott outside their offices at Water’s Edge in Barton overlooking a freezing and foggy Humber Bridge!
As a member of VANEL, Humber Nature Partnership have a good working relationship with us and agree that the £25 annual fee gives them good value for money in terms of the support time they receive from VANEL staff throughout the year.
We’d like to ensure that as many of our members have their framed certificates ready to display, so if you’ve not yet received yours please contact us via 01472 231123 (Peter or Helen can help you) and you can either arrange to collect or we’ll come out and deliver.