A full calendar of WebClub meetings and related events and training is available in the VANEL Calendar here.
This is a summary of meetings for 2013 but is subject to change. Keep an eye on the Calendar for more up to date information, or ideally follow the @vaneldigital Twitter feed for up to the minute announcements.
General information about WebClub here. Get in touch with Karl here for more details.
Details of the 2013 WordPress series of training courses here.
You can take a look back at the 2012 meetings here.
WebClub meeting dates for 2013
If a date is clickable then it will link you to information about a WebClub meeting.
Future meetings will explain the topics for the session.
Past meetings should have access to resources and information from the sessions.
Sorry – this list is out of date. Will be corrected soon.
In the meantime all the correct dates are in our Calendar here.
16 July
3 July
18 June
5 June
21 May
Wed 8 May
Back to WebClub information.
Visit the main VANEL Calendar.