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For issues related to Children & Young People please contact Kerry Gilman at VANEL.

VANEL supports the North East Lincolnshire Third Sector Partnership including the Chilldren and Young Peoples Services Forum (CYPS).

What is the Children & Young People’s Services Forum (CYPSF)?

The CYPSF is a forum consisting of non-statutory organisations offering services to Children, Young People and their families which meets monthly.
What does the CYPSF do?

These meetings offer an opportunity for networking and sign posting.  They are also designed to keep groups informed of current updates/changes to legislation and provide a vehicle for groups to have an input into decision making they might otherwise have been unaware of.  The priorities for the CYPS Forum are focused around communications, training and quality standards, participation, provision, and opportunity spotting (i.e. joint working opportunities).  This forum also provides an opportunity to access the support and facilities offered by the Children and Young People’s Services Advisor based at Voluntary Action North East Lincolnshire and links to other VANEL staff who may be able to help groups.

Who can join?

This forum is aimed at Voluntary Groups, Charities, Community Groups, Social Enterprises and any other not-for-profit organisations in the third sector.

Why get involved?

If you are an organisation or group that works with children, young people and their families, this is an opportunity for you to network, receive up to date government information and feedback, filter your views/comments back into the Statutory Services and to access training, help and advice.

How much time will it take?

The forum is normally a two hour meeting which is scheduled to happen once a month, however, if you are unable to attend this, regular written updates are sent out via email and can also be posted if you do not have access to computers

No Special Skills Needed

The main criteria necessary to become a member of this forum, is to be offering services to children, young people and/or their families in North East Lincolnshire