This was a small session so focused on the specific web project of one member.
But we discussed a range of topics – online surveys, enewsletters and MailChimp, connecting and automating the web using IFTTT, theme preparation and layout and more.
Your can follow links to various resources discussed during the session below.
Resources and information from this session
Excellent compendium WordPress plugin providing lots of useful facilities for WordPress managers for free.
Online surveys. A free account is useful for smaller charities etc.
Possibly the best emailing (enewsletters) tool available. Forever Free version allows enough list members and emails to serve most small charities and groups. Try it out!
WordPress plugin for dealing with email newsletter management from within WordPress environment.
Tool to glue things together on the internet. If this then that. Useful tool that anyone can use to help automate activities.
downloadable Windows tool to allow testing of websites in various older Internet Explorer browsers. Seems to work ok. Been useful in testing some sites that can't be seen on XP