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Mind Works is aimed at people who have experienced mental health problems or who are experiencing mild to moderate mental health issues.

Mind Works

Background information for Professionals: What does Mind Works aim to achieve?

Through voluntary work the project aims to:

          • Increase sense of self worth
          • Discover new skills
          • Have access to positive new experiences
          • Routine to week
          • Social inclusion and meeting new people

How do you refer? Ring Voluntary Action on 01472 231123 and ask for an appointment with Ian under the Mind Works programme. Please be prepared to give details of your client’s background with their permission so that we can assess whether your client is ready for Mind Works.

You (or an appropriate alternative colleague) maybe asked to attend the appointment with Ian to support your client. You maybe asked to be the named professional who we keep in touch with to update regularly on your client’s progress.

Your advice maybe called upon if your client’s condition deteriorates and Voluntary Action feels after discussing the client’s condition that we cannot support them without intervention from appropriate services. (VANEL Officers and Care Coordinators may feel it necessary to work closely together to ensure that the same message is being delivered to the service user to avoid confusion.)