Weather Ready – stay Winter safe

Stay Warm, Safe and Well in Winter

When temperatures drop, life can sometimes become more challenging, particularly for older people and those living alone or without support.

The advice is to Stay Safe; Stay Warm; Stay Well.

Stay Safe

When the weather turns colder, it’s important to plan ahead to keep you and your home safe.

• Stock up on the essentials: to avoid unnecessary trips outside. This includes making sure you have prescriptions in before Christmas

• Ask a friend, volunteer or neighbour: someone you trust, who can help with shopping, medication or anything else you might need

• It’s useful to know your neighbours in case of an emergency: so make sure to reach out to someone friendly and note down their contact details

• Keep a list of useful contacts: we have prepared a list for you at the end of this guide. Keep this handy, so that it’s easily accessible

• Emergency supplies: keep torches, a battery powered radio and spare batteries where they’re easy to find, in case of a power cut

• Support: if eligible, join the Priority Services Register for support during power outages, visit information- consumers/energy-advice- households/getting-extra-help- priority- services-register

• Don’t risk trips and falls: be sure to wear shoes with good grip, both in and outdoors

Stay Warm

Staying warm is important to help keep your body strong and able to fight off viruses and infections:

• Have plenty of hot drinks and keep a flask handy if your mobility is limited

• Set the heating to regular times, and keep your home to at least 18°C, especially in the rooms you spend more time in

• Keep windows closed at night, to reduce the risk of chest infections

• Wear layers of cosy clothes to trap warmth

• Check your pipes are adequately lagged and your roof is properly insulated

• Use a heated blanket as it is cheaper than heating a room, but won’t leave you cold in the home

• Use a hot water bottle

Stay Well

Remember to:
Eat well
Stay hydrated and drink plenty of fluids
Get your winter Flu jab
Look after your mental health.

Connect with other people and groups and community services that can help you, watch out for you, provide you with advice or a place to go.

Weather preparation advice taken from the Royal Voluntary Services website and Winter safety guides

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