Police and Crime Plan draft published

Dear Network Members,

The Office of the Police and Crime Commissioner has published its first Police and Crime Plan in draft format for consultation, details which can be found here: http://www.humberside-pcc.gov.uk/Plans-and-Policies/Police-and-Crime-Plan.aspx

Please provide feedback as requested in the link. If you have any difficulties accessing the plan via the link attached please contact us (at VANEL) and we will be happy to assist or provide an opportunity to have a conversation about the plan at our next Safer Stronger Communities meeting at 0930 on 1st February 2013 at The Elms.

With respect to the voluntary and community sector the HPCC is particularly interested in:

.       1. What should be the focus / priorities set out in the Plan?

(We have expressed these in the Plan as ‘Objectives’ which are those areas we feel should receive a greater proportion of resources  and attention to give us the best chance of achieving the long term public ‘Outcomes’. We would be interested to know if the suggested Objectives in the draft plan are the right ones? If not, why not and any suggestions you might have as alternatives)

  1. 2. We would appreciate any wider views on policing and tackling crime, in particular what can be done to prevent / reduce crime and improve levels of public safety, reassurance and confidence in the police service.
  2.     3.  The VCSE sector can play a vital part in helping to secure all 3 of the suggested public Outcomes. Perhaps the three Objectives where the VCSE sector may have a particular influence are:

a)            Improving Visibility, Availability and Accessibility (supporting Outcome 1)

b)            Empowering and Enabling local Communities (supporting Outcome 2)

c)            Supporting Victim Recovery (supporting Outcome 3)

As such we would be interested to hear of any strategic initiatives you might be developing or any examples of good practice in these areas where you believe the VCSE sector is already making a significant contribution.

Thank you.