North East Lincolnshire Community Safety Partnership (CSP) Crime Reduction Fund 2021/22
The final round of funding for the Crime Reduction Fund closed in August 2021. The fund has now ceased unless it is replaced in the future with equivalent funding. Thank you to everyone who applied via VANEL for the funding over the years it was running.
Further news and updates coming to this page soon.
This scheme was funded by the Police and Crime Commissioner for Humberside (PCC) and was managed by Voluntary Action North East Lincolnshire (VANEL) on behalf of the North East Lincolnshire (NEL) Community Safety Partnership (CSP).
You can always contact Richard Wendel-Jones at VANEL to discuss the application process via / 01472 361043.
About the fund
This grant scheme accepts applications from voluntary, community and not for profit organisations in North East Lincolnshire that can clearly demonstrate how their project contributes to the delivery of the Police and Crime Plan and the North East Lincolnshire Community Safety Partnership Plan.
The specific funding priorities for these grants are to contribute to at least ONE of the Police and Crime Commissioner aims:
– To deliver increasingly self-sustaining and safe communities in the Humber area;
– To build public confidence in the agencies involved in creating safer communities; and
– To promote services to victims and the vulnerable that meet their needs
AND to contribute to at least ONE of the North East Lincolnshire Community Safety Partnership indicators:
- Overall crime
- Offending and reoffending
- Substance and alcohol misuse
- Anti-social behaviour
- Violent crime
- Domestic abuse
- Child exploitation
- Organised crime groups
- Counter terrorism
- Residents feel safe
- Modern slavery
The Community Safety Partnership also works collaboratively to develop community cohesion and tackle hate crime to ensure that all people in North East Lincolnshire “benefit from sustainable communities”.
Please note that the CRF Panel invites applications that address community safety and is not able to fund projects that focus on the impact of Covid 19 if they are unrelated to crime and disorder.
The forms and documentation have been updated for the 2020/21 funding round which is now closed. If you have older documents please replace them with these current ones.
Download the application form here.
An application guide for applicants can be downloaded here
For further details or to apply contact:
Richard Wendel-Jones at VANEL via
or look at
or 01472 361043 and ask to speak to Richard Wendel-Jones or Paula Grant
Additional information
The North East Lincolnshire (NEL) Community Safety Partnership (CSP) is one of four crime reduction partnerships covering the whole of the Humberside Policing area. The NEL CSP comprises representatives from statutory authorities with direct responsibility for reducing crime and disorder across our local communities, namely Humberside Police; North East Lincolnshire Council; Humberside Fire and Rescue Service; National Probation Service; Humberside, Lincolnshire and North Yorkshire Community Rehabilitation Company (local probation service); Office of the Police and Crime Commissioner for Humberside; North East Lincolnshire Clinical Commissioning Group; and other supporting partners including the Voluntary Community and Social Enterprise Alliance and Voluntary Action North East Lincolnshire.
The NEL CSP is responsible for undertaking an annual survey of member organisations and local residents and producing a Joint Strategic Intelligence Assessment based on both information from the public in receipt of community safety services and statistical results gathered by community safety partners. This information together with ongoing partnership research and wider community safety partner consultation then informs the development of an annual partnership plan. The overarching outcome of the plan is to ensure people feel safe and are safe. Specific indicators were agreed to show progress towards achieving this outcome and voluntary and community groups are actively encouraged to contribute to this plan.
Each indicator has a specific task and finish group which includes community safety operational staff, service providers and representatives from voluntary and community groups who help to identify and resolve community safety problems. These groups focus on tactical approaches to crime prevention tackling challenging, using early intervention measures for emerging issues, and designing out crime to ensure community safety is continuously improving.