Crime Reduction Fund round 2 is now open for applications.
Community Groups have another opportunity to bid for Crime Reduction Funding
Voluntary and Community Groups in North East Lincolnshire can apply for funding to support crime reduction and community safety projects as a second round of bidding is opened by the North East Lincolnshire Community Safety Partnership.
A total of £30,000, made available by Humberside Police and Crime Commissioner Keith Hunter, is available in the latest round of funding which is open until 30th November. Groups can bid for up to £5,000 for projects which will assist with delivering the aims and outcomes of the North East Lincolnshire Community Safety Partnership Plan and the Commissioner’s Police and Crime Plan.
Results of bids received will be announced on 18th December and the Community Safety Partnership will visit the successful groups during the delivery period to monitor progress and provide an opportunity for promotion of the work of voluntary and community groups involved with this fund.
Chief Superintendent Christine Wilson, Chair of the Community Safety Partnership said: “The partnership’s Crime Reduction Fund was launched in July this year for the direct benefit of voluntary and community groups across North East Lincolnshire. It is widely recognised by the community safety partners that voluntary and community groups have valuable contributions to make to crime reduction in our area.
“This fund provides a great opportunity to combine the experience of volunteers with paid staff and other voluntary and community partners to help local people feel safe and be safe. It will create opportunities to try out new crime prevention ideas and design out future crime as well as helping to tackle and reduce criminality in our area. All suggestions and proposals are welcome to help deliver our collective outcomes.”
Cllr Dave Bolton, Safer Communities portfolio holder at North East Lincolnshire Council said: “This is a great opportunity for our residents to come together and put forward proposals on how they can help create safer communities where they live. Lots of people have great ideas which will help cement communities together, and we need to tap into the potential within people to help themselves.”
Keith Hunter, Police and Crime Commissioner for Humberside said: “One of the key aims of my Police and Crime Plan is to deliver increasingly self-sustaining and safe communities. I have funded the Community Safety Partnership in North East Lincolnshire to ensure community groups have a local point of contact who know the area and will encourage a greater community involvement to tackle crime and safety.”
Voluntary Action North East Lincolnshire (VANEL) is managing the fund process on behalf of the North East Lincolnshire Community Safety Partnership. VANEL is promoting the fund on its website and are available to give guidance, hints and tips and lessons learned from the first round for the benefit of future bidders. VANEL also offers 1-2-1 project development support and advice on access to potential match funding sources as well as alternative funds if not eligible for this funding source.
For full details of the fund and bidding process contact:; visit our webpage here which includes all the application dates and forms or telephone: 01472 361043 and ask to speak to Richard Wendel-Jones.