May 15 2014
“Closing the Humber Gap” report
Attached is the final write up of the Closing the Humber Gap Conference hosted by the RSA in January 2014.
Since the conference, Transitions and the Police and Crime Commissioner have actioned some of the ideas presented here, including undertaking a mapping exercise of provision in the Humber sub-region. We are also beginning a process of developing a core ‘vision’ for aligning all our work which is specific enough to bring us together but broad enough to recognise the diversity of provision and local variation.
This vision will be road tested with the Criminal Justice Board on 20 May alongside discussion for how we can engage you and others with its development. If you would like to hear more about this process, please let the RSA Transitions Team know.
Download a .pdf of the Closing the Humber Gap report here.
RSA Transitions Team