Welcome to the website for the Humberside Safer Future Communities Network (HSFCN)

The Network supports the Voluntary Community and Social Enterprise (VCSE) Sector to engage with the office of the Police and Crime Commissioner (PCC) in the Humberside region.

Read more here about the background to the establishment of this Network (in July 2012) in the run up to the Police and Crime Commissioner Elections in November 2012.

Safer Future Communities and its partners have produced a Voluntary, Community and Social Enterprise (VCSE) Sector offer to the police and crime commissioners (PCCs). Read about the Offer here.  The offer outlines the key features that make the VCSE Sector an essential partner for the PCCs in the development and delivery of community safety activity. It gives a commitment from the VCSE Sector to work with the PCCs, as a partner and a critical friend.

The offer has been developed in partnership with a wide range of national VCSE Sector organisations. To read the offer and find out which organisations were in involved in its development click here.

You can follow news updates from this website via an RSS news feed just here.

Latest news


Victims Support Services Workshop 12th May 2014

The Victims Support Services Workshop took place in Barton on 12th May & the presentation from the event is here.

“Closing the Humber Gap” report

Attached is the final write up of the Closing the Humber Gap Conference hosted by the RSA in January 2014.

Local commissioning, local partnerships – are we ready?

The National Safer Future Communities Network held a successful event in London on 20th February 2013 to explore how different forms of collaboration can ensure that the specialist services and innovative approaches of the voluntary and community sector are made available to police and crime commissioners and other commissioning bodies. You can read a summary […]

Safer Future Communities news, Issue 10, February 2013

The February edition of the national Safer Future Communities newsletter is now out. Read it here.

Newsflash: PCCs’ Community Safety Funds: revised information

We have previously advised, on the basis of information from the Home Office, that the PCCs Community Safety Funds are ringfenced from their wider policing budget. The Home Office has now sent us the following revised information:  “The CSF is un-ringfenced, which means PCCs have total freedom to use it as they wish. However, the […]

Matthew Grove recommends new Chief Constable for Humberside

A new Chief Constable is proposed for appointment to lead Humberside Police. Police and Crime Commissioner Matthew Grove, on advice from an appointments panel, has decided to propose JUSTINE CURRAN, the current Chief Constable of Tayside Police as the next head of the force. Ms Curran has almost four years proven experience as a Chief […]

Police and Crime Plan draft published

Dear Network Members, The Office of the Police and Crime Commissioner has published its first Police and Crime Plan in draft format for consultation, details which can be found here: http://www.humberside-pcc.gov.uk/Plans-and-Policies/Police-and-Crime-Plan.aspx Please provide feedback as requested in the link. If you have any difficulties accessing the plan via the link attached please contact us (at […]

Safer Future Communities news Issue 8

Here is the November 2012 edition of the Safer Future Communities newsletter. Click here to see the newsletter In this edition: Support and resources News from local Safer Future Communities networks Newly elected PCC’s activities News from partners News from Home Office Your news and views

Safer Future Communities: Newsflash: Police funding allocations announced

On the 19th December, the Home Office announced their proposals for funding for each police force area. You can read the announcement here: http://www.parliament.uk/documents/commons-vote-office/December_2012/19-12-12/13.HOME-Police-Funding.pdf Table 3 shows the amount to be allocated to each police and crime commissioner’s (PCC) Community Safety Fund. As you know the majority of central government funding streams for drugs, crime […]

An Interview with the new Humberside Police and Crime Commissioner

The Academy for Justice Commissioning has just released a new academy news bulletin. The last article in the bulletin features an interview with PCC Matthew Grove where he discusses what he hopes to achieve during his term of office. You can see the article here