Welcome to the website for the Humberside Safer Future Communities Network (HSFCN)
The Network supports the Voluntary Community and Social Enterprise (VCSE) Sector to engage with the office of the Police and Crime Commissioner (PCC) in the Humberside region.
Read more here about the background to the establishment of this Network (in July 2012) in the run up to the Police and Crime Commissioner Elections in November 2012.
Safer Future Communities and its partners have produced a Voluntary, Community and Social Enterprise (VCSE) Sector offer to the police and crime commissioners (PCCs). Read about the Offer here. The offer outlines the key features that make the VCSE Sector an essential partner for the PCCs in the development and delivery of community safety activity. It gives a commitment from the VCSE Sector to work with the PCCs, as a partner and a critical friend.
The offer has been developed in partnership with a wide range of national VCSE Sector organisations. To read the offer and find out which organisations were in involved in its development click here.
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