Our “Stay Safe” guides have been distributed to thousands of households across North East Lincolnshire since the first edition was printed during late 2020. Each is full of tips and advice on personal, household and community safety aimed at older people in our area.
Download, read or listen to the very latest edition from June 2023 here. This edition was sponsored by Safer Streets East Marsh.
Pop into our offices at 82 Grimsby Road, Cleethorpes to pick up a printed copy of the guide for yourself or for someone you know might need it. There are also copies available at community venues across North East Lincolnshire – find out where here.
There’s much more information about each piece of advice in the guides online. Check out the contents here.
Go straight to the audio version of the guide here.
Find out more about the story behind the guides including our thanks to all our funders and supporters.
Time travel back to the previous editions of Stay Safe published since 2020, including the versions specific to Cleethorpes, West and East Marsh. Each of them can be found on the downloads page.